Monday, March 22, 2010

Catching up...

I am falling behind! Lately things are getting a lot better around this house! Baker is a MONTH old! I seriously can't believe this. Before I know it he will be ONE and I won't know what to do with myself. He is just as precious as can be and he is finally starting to be that happy baby that he was when we first brought him home! Poor Baker has had some issues for the past three weeks of screaming his head off and just being seriously unhappy and most of all hurting. I thought he had develped Colic and that I would just have to tough it out seeing as there is no cure for this. However, I got a call from his Pediatrician saying his PKU heel stick test came back slightly abnormal in the Galactosemia test. Meaning...I don't know yet. I should have word tomorrow about this but I had to stop breastfeeding and put him on formula because basically this all has to do with him not being able to digest the sugars and protein in lactose. Being as how he can't digest these, they turn into toxins in his body and can cause a lot of harm to him. This is all genetic. He apparantly was showing in his blood test that he had a slightly abnormal gene inhereited from either Nate or I one. Not sure who because we have no issues with lactose. Anyway, to have a serious problem he would have had to inhereted TWO abnormal genes, one from Nate and one from me. We think he only got one, which means we would have to make changes to his diet and he may never be able to take milk products. I will hear soon from the latest round of blood tests to see for sure what is going on. He has done well on the formula so far. His tummy still gets to hurting and he will draw up and scream still but it's a work in progress and we will figure it out! I am just glad we caught this and thank GOD for the PKU tests they give because we would have never known there was an issue. I am believing for great results on the test and that there will be NOTHING wrong and that it was just a false positive! That's what I believe and I know God will take care of it all no matter what! I just want Baker to feel okay. Lately he has. He still have evening issues but seriously he was LAUGHING yesterday. Music to a mothers ears! Sweet baby melts my heart!

Things Baker loves...
1. ME of course
2. George Strait and Adam Carroll
3. His swing
4. Kicking and waving his arms
5. Eating
6. Moving his head all around. He is so strong and he can hold his head up for the longest time!
7. As of late, sleeping better in the night. He wakes up 2-3 times which is better than the usual 6 or 7. PRAISE THE LORD here!
8. Smiling and laughing
9. Lights
10. Riding in the car

He is doing more stuff everyday and I seriously think he is about to start rolling over and he's only a month old. He may or may not be advnaced :-)

Baker and his Honey. Thank you mother for all your help! I live for the weekends when you come into town!

JD boots from Poppa. It's really cute how my dad has fallen in love with Baker. Turned him into a big softie!

Help my eyes are crossing! :-) Still trying to get that focus!

First St. Patricks Day outfit from Aunt Amy!

Colic Calm drops are BLACK and do make a mess!

ONE month old!


Savannah & Len said...

I can't believe how much he has CHANGED!!! Such a cutie-pie! Cannot wait to see you both again!

Denae said...

He is so cute!! I hope he has been feeling better!