Baker is giggling and smiling all the time now! He is so happy and just doing so much better! Seems as if switching to formula really was the best cure for him even though it really upset me. My milk has just about dried up and while this might be TMI, it was really worse than going through labor if you ask me. It HURT so bad and I could barely hold Baker as I was going through this. Ran a 102 fever and was just miserable! I ran a high fever when my milk came in and when I let them dry up. Women go through so much that men don't even understand! If a man had to go through one single thing a woman did they wouldn't make it five minutes. Anyway, I cried when my milk was gone because it really meant there was no turning back even though I couldn't breastfeed Baker that way anymore whether I wanted to or not. I still have NOT gotten his results back! It's been almost 2 weeks I am running out of patience for the results. Hopefully this next week will bring GOOD news!
I am going to have to shop for all new clothes for Baker because he cannot wear newborn obviously anymore and he rarely will fit into a 0-3 month. He is more in the 3 month size and 3-6. He is only 5 weeks old. Big boy!
I have had so much help and support from my family and I am so thankful. Mom has been wonderful! She is always coming up on the weekends and taking over the night shift and boy does it help! She is so great! Nellie and Judd came a week ago to help out and they spent the night as well and took the night shift! Thanks to them too because they also kept him all day and I got to run errands! Dad of course comes during his weekly visit and just holds Baker just about the entire time he is here and that also helps because I can get laundry done and anything else I need. Cindy also comes over to rock Baker and feed him during some mornings and that has been wonderful. See what I mean? Wonderful family!
This past week was Taylor's big bachelorette party and lingerie shower here in Amarillo. We had the shower at my house and then a limo came and took 20 of us girls out on the town for just a little bit. We really had a great time and it was good to be with my best girls! It's been almost a year since the 4 of us where together and we had a great time being reunited! It was a little weird being without Baker and I cried when Nate went over to him mom's house with him to hang out. I basically had a meltdown and worried about him until I got him back but he was just fine of course. I just had separation anxiety! I need to get used to being without him because in a couple of months we will be in MEXICO for FIVE days for a wedding I am in! I cannnot wait for this fun wedding but it will be verrrry hard on me! Good thing I know he will be well taken care of.
My little man...
We have just become the best of friends :-)
I know how you feel!! I only nursed Kyler for 6 weeks because of the same thing (crying and fussy all the time) Once I switched to formula-she was just fine! I felt TREMENDOUS guilt because I had nursed Paycos for 9 months but she turned out A-OK!! It's different with every baby-Harper's 6 months and still nursing so there's hope for your next one!!! You did what's best for him!
Kenley, he is so cute and getting so big! You look great too!
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