Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's finally D-day!

Well as most of us know, I am being induced tomorrow evening at 6pm. That would be the 18th of February making Baker's due date most likely February 19th, his origial due date! Not many babies are born on their actual due date! Nate has said all along it would be the 19th or I would go to 42 weeks. :-) I sure am glad it's the 19th. We went in Tuesday for our weekly appointment and I went in there this time thinking okay nothing has happened, he's not going to talk of inducing me, don't get your hopes up, just go in there and get this done and you'll be back next week. Nate thought the same thing. We go in week after week hearing better luck next week and so this time we were like okay whatever! Well. Much to our suprise, we get in there and first of all my blood pressure is high. They check it a few times and my doctor is finally like okay I don't like seeing high blood pressure. After he checked he said I was at 2cm so my body really was TRYING. :-) He then starts talking out loud to himself and I heard him say, "So is Friday good for you?" I was like what? You are going to induce? Seriously are you kidding? I told him Friday was great and Nate and I were just all grins! He said that since my body was trying and that by looking at me I was all baby he didn't mind inducing on my due date. I really am all baby in my stomach! It is HUGE. I mean it's measuring right on target with my weeks now, but I don't know if it's because I am shorter and have a small torso, but this belly just look unreal on me.

Well we get to the car and I immediately start freaking out. All of the sudden I am shaking all over and I feel really weird. Nate of course has to tell me to calm down because of my blood pressure and that I need to get control of myself, haha! He takes me to eat lunch and I can't even keep the hot sauce on my chips because I am shaking so much! Spill my water. It was so weird! I just had a freakout moment and realized that I would be holding Baker in no time and that I was about to be in LABOR. Of course I am ready as can be, but being in labor really is freaking me out. I am really nervous about this. I hope my blood pressure goes down and doesn't give us problems!

I will go in Thursday night at 6 and be put on Cervidil. I have heard mixed reviews on this. Then if it doesn't send me into labor, doc will come in Friday morning and break my water and put me on Pitocin. Also heard stuff about Pitocin but truly it's really what your body produces anyway so I'm not worried about that. Then hopefully an epidural and then game time!

It's been a long 40 weeks for me and Nate. However, it's been great. He has been one wonderful coach and companion through all of this. He always makes me laugh and I just love that we are getting to do this! He will be such a great dad and thinking of it makes my heart sing! Thank you Lord for this amazing blessing. I just can't say it enough. Thank you!!

I will post pictures as soon as I can. :-)


The Toogood's said...

ahhh I am so happy for you Kenley! Good luck to your growing littlefamily & we can't wait to see little Baker. You will be great I know it, everything will be great!

Denae said...

Yay!! Can't wait to see pictures!

Kyle and Amber said...

YAY the day is finally here. What a BLESSING!!