Baker is 7 weeks old and will be TWO months old on the 19th!
He has been cooing since he was about a month old no lie. Smiling too.
He has started laughing more
He is reaching for toys on his little play mat deal that hang over him
He looks like he is riding an air bike when I lay him down. He really gets after it
His hair is growing A LOT in the back. Still not on the top. HAHA
His eyes are still baby blue
He likes to hold my hand
He's following voices more than he was and making really good eye contact
He loves the car rides and always goes to sleep in there
Starting to eat 5 ounces about every 2-4 hours depending on his naps and mood
He usually eates late in the night about 10 or later and will sleep until either about 2 or 4 to eat again. Then like clock work wakes up at 7 when Nate leaves to eat again and then sleeps until about 9. Sometimes. He is by no means on any sort of a schedule at all!
He is still sleeping in a Nap Nappy in between Nate and I in the bed. My goal is to get him moved to the crib
The kid loves to sleep on his belly. We took a two hour nap today and he slept on his belly. I am scared to do this but it's how he likes to sleep so I let him take naps this way so I can watch him!
Long gone are the 0-3 month clothes, they just don't fit
He is such a chunky monkey and I love him
We all got to meet Presley on Easter Sunday and she is the most precious little thing! She seemed SO tiny next to Baker. Baker wasn't in the mood for pictures and Presley was just more interested in sleeping :-)
Easter Sunday in his pearl snap. He is so stinking cute
First Family Easter
We adore Baker. He is just such a blessing to our lives. He really is growing up fast and doing new stuff all the time! I just can't believe it!
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