Friday, August 21, 2009

Hello second trimester...

I finally found you! I am thanking the good Lord above! I made it! I feel wonderful and I am full of energy! However, the emotions are taking a toll on Nate and I both. I have cried every single day this week just about. I won't go into too much detail but Nate keeps asking what is wrong (even when he is the one triggering my upsets half the time) and I keep reminding him I am pregnant and I don't know what's wrong. I wondered when I would start getting super moody and emotional. Now is the time. Good thing Nate is pretty patient with me. But really, is it too much to ask to help me clean the garage? I don't think so.

Here I am 14 weeks and the first day of my second trimester. We will see how this belly grows within the next month.


Savannah & Len said...

Probably time for a new post. Just sayin', it's been a while :)

Kenley King said...

i agree! i was just about to post one! i'm on it!