Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sympathy pains...

I really do think Nathan is having sympathy pains for me. He cracks me up. It appears that he is gaining weight and has acquired a much bigger appetite lately. He thinks that he needs to go on a diet, but just can't because food is so good to him. He has also been feeling a little nausea and stomach problems. Along with this, he has just been so exhausted and cannot get enough sleep. Even 9 hours isn't enough at night for us. Indigestion is also a new problem for Nate. Is this not hilarious? I told him he was either having sympathy pains, or he just wanted to be like me.

Yesterday I ate and got sick and also tonight. I thought I was getting better and over the whole running to the toilet with the urge to "lose it" but guess not? I texted Nate and told him I got sick and that I thought I was over the sickness and to my surprise he said, "No honey not until a couple of more weeks." HAHA! I just died laughing! This guy cracks me up! How did he know that? I don't really tell him anything that I read except I tell him what our baby is supposed to be doing each week. I will say well this week it's heart will start beating or this week it's the size of a blueberry. He knows just what is going on apparently! Way to go Nate! I am proud of you!