A few of Jenner's favorite things:
♥Getting ice from the ice maker every couple of minutes.
♥Walking in and out over and over and over and showing me he could shut the door by himself. However, I was hovering because the last thing I wanted was for him to slam his finger in the door and never want to come back.
♥Being OUTSIDE! He would grab my finger and we would walk all around the sidewalk and then he would get tired and reach for me to pick him up. So I would get him and walk inside and he would start wimpering...So we would go back out again and start all over.
♥My mom! My mom was at the house when Jenner came over and he loved her! At first he wasn't too sure about her because she picked him up and he immediately reached for his favorite person...me. But when she left to go home he started crying because she got in the car and we waved "bye-bye" to her. It was so sad/cute. I almost cried with him cause I miss my momma.
♥The valentine's day life-size bear Nate got me last year. This bear is bigger than I am but it's so so cute! I have sort of just kept it in the spare bedroom but I brought it out for Jenner. He LOVED this bear. As soon as I set the bear out he went and gave it a kiss. He even kissed it's foot. He also tried to feed him his toys.
♥Yogurt. I didn't get a picture of this because it was total chaos but one thing I need at my house is a high chair to BUCKLE him in! Since I am cool, I let him just take a bite and then walk around and come back for more. And since I am even cooler, I let him try and feed himself with a big people spoon. That's right. What was I thinking? He got purple yogurt ALL over his shirt and his pants and my sweater and the floor and his hair. Sorry Amy!
♥Chewing his baby football up! He just walks around with the end of it in his mouth chewing away! Little stinker!
♥His Aunt Kenley! Of course!
Here are some pictures!
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