Friday, January 9, 2009

Flashing back

Well, I feel behind on my writing...Last weekend I finally got to have Christmas with my dad and my grandma. Yes I realize Christmas is December 25, but when you have divorced parents and then you get married you end up having about 10 Christmases. Going to Cabo didn't help with the schedule either it just pushed it back further and my sweet daddy waited to see us last. Well that Friday I decided I would make a pit stop in Lazbuddie and spend the night with my best friend! She was also in town having Christmas with her family and I hadn't seen her in 5 whole months! Too long for me! I flashed back into time and all of our fun times together. Savannah and I built the best sort of friendship together and we lived an hour and a half away from each other all those years. All through the rest of elementary, all of junior high, and high school we just made it work; our long distance relationship haha! It's sort of rare to be able to do that but we did. Then after I graduated we lived 4 and a half hours away! Still, the best of friends. Finding a friendship like I found in Savannah does not happen often and I don't think we have ever been in one single fight...Ever...Girls when they are young quarrel all the time but we never did. Anyway, being back at her house and spending the night just sent me into flashbacks. I think it sent her mom into flashbacks as well because she LOVED it that me and Savannah and Shonnah and her were all back under the same roof.

Top 5 memories:
1-Playing in the mud when it rained just enough for us slide around in it and throw it at each other
2-Riding horses and posting the colors every Monday night in the summer time and at the local rodeos
3-Austin trip with Savannah's mom and Christie...I don't need to explain
4-Sleeping in the middle of her living room floor and watching movies all night long...Well me and Shonnah did, Savannah never stays awake...
5-Red River trip with my family/Arizona with hers

We just added a new memory to our list and that would be playing Wii with her mom and Shonnah...I literally could NOT move my arms for three days. Need a workout, grab for the Wii. SO much fun! Sarah takes the prize for being most entertaining, Shonnah for being the best (except in Tennis, I get that one), and Savannah being the best rocker. I love you best friend...

Now I just want to say I finally made it to my dad's and as always he greets me with the biggest smile and squeezes me like he hasn't seen me in years. I could have seen him the day before and he would have done the same. My dad has been through heck in his life and for a while he was a very stern, very hard man to deal with. The day he quit farming was when he got his heart back. It was like a whole new man emerged. Farming takes a tole on a person and it sure did take a toll on him, however, farming is a huge part of who he is. A very huge part. I can now thank him for waking me up at 5am to make me hoe cotton or spray cotton. At the time I hated him but he told me it would build character and it did. Thanks dad. Anyway, I LOVE spending time with my dad and every single time I leave he stand out in the yard and waves me off and will wave until I am completely out of sight. He has done this since I could drive. I can't remember a time he didn't do it. Even Nate noticed this and was like, "Your dad always stands out there and waves you/us off" So of course this time was no different but this time we left from Morton, my grandma's house and we had my grandma standing at the front door crying and dad in the yard, both of them just waving away. I wonder if he might get that from her?

We talked about my Pa (my dad's dad) a lot this Christmas meeting at my grandma's and I would like to close this blog out with a quote by him. "If you can ever get it half done, then you know how to do the rest."

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